White Papers Portfolio

As a white paper specialist, I want you to know you're in the safest of hands.

Due to NDA, I can't show all my white papers, but several are below:

Other Long-form Content

Other long-form content I've written, and which shows my writing includes:




White Paper Funnels

Note: except for the Microsoft white paper, all the above were created as white paper funnels (using the respective domain hosting platforms and Email Service Providers (ESP): ActiveCampaign, Hubspot, and Klayvio, and involved:

  • A landing page for each paper

  • Email sequence(s) to the following list variations:

    • Existing lists/customers

    • New leads via organic traffic

    • New leads via paid traffic, such as LinkedIn ads.

Why do we need multiple email sequences?

Because the context/what they each know about you is different, therefore so is the conversation.

For example:

  • Existing customers already know and trust you so you don’t need to sell them on any new offering or service.

  • Paid traffic knows who you are and some of what you do from the ads they’ve clicked on.

  • Organic traffic likely only know about you because they have a problem and used a search engine to seek a solution to that problem (likely your white paper title calling out that problem). As such, they will need more context/pre-selling than the other traffic sources.