
Microsoft Word

A Microsoft Office Specialist Word Expert, I've helped hundreds of businesses with Microsoft Word since 1999. In conjunction with my technical copywriting experiences, I'm well-placed to deliver your work to the highest possible standards.

MOS Word Expert

Link to certification

(Check out my Word For Businesses website for tips, tricks and other Word-related help.)

Word For Businesses...

(Click here to go to Word For Businesses.)

Case Studies

Below are some case studies of how, with Microsoft Word template design and training, we've achieved outstanding results:

Book of Proof

Below is my Book of Proof, a consolidated list of 10-years of client reviews and testimonials including:

Paul MacMartin wrote:

More recently, Bonita Cory, a director at Enterprise Growth wrote:

See the full list here:

If the above flipbook is slow to load, click here to download it as a pdf

Whatever you need, feel free to get in touch.